Any student who plans to try out for any athletic teams MUST have on file a CURRENT physical and a CURRENT completed District 186 Athletic Card PRIOR TO TRY-OUTS. Students involved in athletics and extra-curricular activities must also meet eligibility requirements. Students who received any F’s the previous semester or who have a previous semester GPA below a 2.0 are NOT eligible to participate the next semester. Students must also maintain weekly eligibility during season. Contact Ms. Greco if you have any questions or concerns.
Academic Organizations

Information and criteria will be available soon.

Scholastic Bowl
Scholastic Bowl fields a team consisting of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Students who are interested in participating should have a quick recall of facts as well as a strong academic background in a variety of subject areas. Team members have an opportunity to travel, compete against some of the top teams in the state and to win team trophies. The team is coached by Dave Knoepfle.
Clubs and Activities

The yearbook staff is selected via an application process. Staff members meet as needed at various times throughout the year. Tammy Jones is the sponsor.

Beta Club
The Beta Club is a national service organization for any student who achieves honor roll status. The students do community service for the school and also volunteer their time for other community functions. Weekly meetings are scheduled and students continuously support Franklin and other organizations in the building. Beta Club is sponsored by Katie Maeda and Toby Gass.

National Geography Bee
Franklin Middle School students participate in the National Geography Bee play off by qualifying in a progression of classroom, school and state bees that are similar to spelling bees.

Science Fair
Science projects which emphasize scientific methods of problem solving are completed by students in the FMS gifted program. The fair, which is held in late February, usually displays over 200 projects.
Fine Arts

Vocal Music
Concert Choir: 6th grade, 7th grade & 8th grade
Fantastic Falcons Show choir is directed by Shelly Shaw.

Instrumental Music
Concert Band
Jazz Band
Mr. Tiemann is the director.

Art is an elective available to 6th, 7th and 8th graders at FMS. Franklin Middle School's art teacher is Corie Decker.

Art Club
Art Club meets after school. Students are selected through an application process. Art Club participates in so many fun activities throughout the school year!
Corie Decker is the sponsor.

Mathcounts is an enrichment program created by professional engineers to spark an interest in mathematics for 7th and 8th grade students. Students who wish to join must feel comfortable working in groups/individually on math problems. The program starts in early September and ends in February. The top nine students of the program (base on a test score) compete against other schools in regional competition and may advance to state and national competition.

Boys/Girls Cross Country
Open to any 6th, 7th or 8th grade student who enjoys a fast two mile run. Cross country practice begins in August and competition runs through the middle of October.

Girls Basketball
The girls' basketball season begins in September and goes into December. Any girl is welcome to come and tryout for either the 7th or 8th grade team.
Mr. Borders is the coach.
6th grade girls basketball is a separate program. The games are played on Saturdays. The season begins in September and ends in December.
Boys Basketball
The boys' basketball program begins in October with tryouts for both the 7th and 8th grade teams. Emphasis is placed on building fundamental skills and using team strategies. The season continues into February.
The coach is Mr. Isham
6th boys' basketball is a separate program that starts in October, ends in January, with games played on Saturdays.

Girls Volleyball
Volleyball tryouts are held in December for both 7th and 8th grade girls. The teams not only sharpen their skills, but also better themselves by learning team work and being able to accept challenges. The season ends in March.
6th Girls Volleyball is a separate program starting in January, ending in March, with games played on Saturdays.

Intramural Golf
Open to any 6th, 7th or 8th grade boy or girl who wishes to play golf for enjoyment. Outings are typically on Monday afternoons at Pasfield Park for six weeks beginning in September.

Boys And Girls Track & Field
The Franklin Track and Field team is one of wide acclaim on the local and state levels. This unique group has won and placed in several state track and field meets. Open to any 6th, 7th or 8th grade student. (February - May)

Cheerleading begins in August and ends in February. Tryouts are open to 6th, 7th and 8th graders.